British Council Creative Spark programme monitoring in L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
In 30-31 May 2019, British Council conducted case study visits in L.N. Gumilyov ENU to progress the qualitative side of the research through meetings with partnership leads, delivery staff and Creative Spark programme beneficiaries.
The goal of these visits is to further understand the outcomes and impacts of the Creative Spark programme in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine) in Year 1, including the opportunities and challenges faced by the partnerships and the wider impacts at a national, policy level.
Monitoring took place with the participation of a Research Manager at IFF Research Daniel Salamons, British Council Creative Spark programme coordinator in Kazakhstan Aitzhamal Mansurova and project coordinator in L.N. Gumilyov ENU, a Head of the center for entrepreneurship CACTLE Armiyash Nurmagambetova.
The two-day monitoring programme included interviews with the leadership of the University: The First Vice-rector – Assemgul Moldazhanova, Dean of the faculty of architecture and construction – Seriktay Baymukhanov, Deputy Dean of the faculty of information technologies – Alma Zakirova, the head of the Department of architecture – Sarah Sydykova and head of the Department of design and engineering graphics – Auez Baidebekov.
The monitoring also aims to explore the interaction of partnerships between the University of Birmingham, Oxford Brooks University and L.N. Gumilyov ENU.
As a part of the monitoring, an interview was held:
- with students of the faculty of architecture and construction and the faculty of information technologies,who participated training “Start and develop your creative business” in February 2019;
- with PhD students and young teachers who have been trained in the course of “Research Training”;
- with associated partners of the project in Nur Sultan: NCE Atameken, Kazakhstan Association of Franchising “KazFranch”, JSC “Damu” Fund, Eurasian Ccultural Alliance, Urban Astana
These meetings aimed at discussing the satisfaction of the beneficiaries with the acquired knowledge and skills.
The results of the monitoring will contribute to strengthening the impact of the Creative Spark programme on the sustainable development of the creative economy and creative industry in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, expanding cooperation between state and public organizations of the creative industry, as well as strengthening partnerships in the field of intercultural and interethnic relations.