L.N. Gumilyov ENU CAСTLE Center conducts training for teams in preparation for the British Council Big Idea Challenge competition
This training is aimed at determining the creative business ideas and creating high-quality video for British Council Big Idea Challenge competition. Business ideas should be developed in three categories:
- Digital technology
- Social impact
- Creative
Training addressed not only to the importance of determining the business idea, but also such issues as: what is the uniqueness and the need to implement this business idea, how this idea will be implemented in reality, who is the main consumer of the future business and how the idea will make money.
In addition, Dr. Armiyash Nurmagambetova explained to team members the criteria of the competition: the language and duration of the video, shooting conditions, editing, copyright and etc.
The Big Idea Challenge video pitch competition is a key part of the British Council’s Creative Spark Higher Education Enterprise Programme and encourages people from 18-35 age to develop an innovative new ‘startup’ and then to tell the world about it.
The winner gets an incredible opportunity:
- Website development
- Internship and business mentors in London, UK
- £ 25,000.